
Nagoya Design Week & Live Market

さて、今日はお知らせです!この前作ったBelles & Whistlesの「This Time Next December」の映像が、10月14日から18日に開催の名古屋デザインウィークの一部として、ラシック1階のスクリーンで上映されることになったよ◎ メディア展示、ON AIRの際に声をかけてくれた県芸の本田教授のおかげなのですが、映像作品が発表できる機会ってめったにないから嬉しい!期間中は、愛知県立芸術大学、トライデント専門学校、名古屋芸術大学等の学生作品が流れるそうです。なので特に映像好きな人は買い物ついでに寄って行ってくださいな!ホームページを見た感じ、いろいろやってて楽しそう。


[Nagoya Design Week 2009]


All right, this post is my notification. The music video, This Time Next December which I created for Belles & Whistles, will be shown at Lachic fashion department in Sakae, Nagoya. It's a part of design week event, and around 30 student short films will be shown at the same spot. So if you are hanging out in Sakae, between October 14th to 18th, please check out ground floor of Lachic. Seems like there are a lot of cool design events and shows are going on, so I guess it's cool to hanging out and maybe shopping in that week. And I have to thank Honda professor from Aichi Prefectual Art Uni. who gave me this cool opportunity.

And one more news, my awesome artsy friend, Emily, and I will have a creative goods shop booth at Yaba park, which is in front of LOFT building, in Sakae. It's a part of Live Market event, and we will sell some zines, small goods, postcard, pins, etcetera, etcetera. (We haven't decided yet!) maybe T-shirts as well ;) It's actually October 17th and 18th (Sat. & Sun.), and the same period of time as nagoya Design week, which means you can come both event same day! So please check dates on your datebook right now! and, see you there!

[Nagoya Design Week 2009 (Japanese only)]



今日見た映画、「Into the Wild」これは旅に出たくなる映画。



[INTO THE WILD / Official Web]
[INTO THE WILD / Official Web - Japanese]


I saw the movie,
Into the Wild, today. It reminded me a lot of my memories, like the San Francisco beach, Night in Manira with a cup of coffee, magnificent view in Arizona, people who I met when I did hitch hiking, and so on.

Ending was unexpected, and made me sad a little, however I liked that this movie is created based on true story, of a existed guy. Story itself isn't that complicated, but watching this movie made me feel good, probably because of cinematography. It is really beautifully shot, and sometimes made me really excited. And it questions about "what the life is?". If you are a guy, you better watch it someday.


[INTO THE WILD / Official Web]


Our Daily Bread

今日は「Our Daily Bread」(邦題: いのちの食べ方)という映画を見た。僕たちが普通に食べてるものが、どこからきているのか?という単純な疑問に、真正面から答えを見せてくれているドキュメンタリー映画。とても単調で、言葉も、音楽も一切無く、延々と肉や野菜が作られて、加工されていくシーンが機械音等と共に流れる。でもだからこそ本当にリアルで、とても考えさせられる映像。




[OUR DAILY BREAD / Official Web]
[OUR DAILY BREAD / Official Web - Japanese]


Today, I saw a documentary film,
Our Daily Bread. And it made me think a lot, this is very unusual film, because there was no voice or sound tracks, but the noise from real life. And it expose us hidden scenes behind our foods. So it was really interesting.

It's actually painful to see some animals, which is grown by human, in the small cages, and get killed by human in the end of their live. It just looks like mass production, and they are not treated like that they are actually alive. I don't know what we should do, but it's really sad to think about what is their life.

Some scenes are quite obvious and you might not happy to see that, so I can't recommend it to everyone, however, for me, it was something I had to see, because we are the one who eats them. I feel like I changed a little my perspective of food. And one more thing, it was also interesting to see many kind of jobs and their works that I can only see through this movie.


[OUR DAILY BREAD / Official Web]


Coca-Cola Happiness Factory

世界的にかなり有名なCoca-ColaのコマーシャルHappiness Factoryの、超短編だけど映画バージョンを見つけたのでリンクを貼っておきます。上の映像はその予告編みたい。こんなにやんちゃして予算使って楽しいCM作れちゃうのはやっぱエンターテイメントの国だなぁと思う。もちろん映像ディレクションはPSYOP。楽しくていい!映像的には3パターンくらいあるみたい。気になる方は下か上の画像のリンク先、左側の画面から。

[Coca-Cola Happiness Factory]


Quite well known commercial, Happiness Factory by Coca-Cola. And today, I found the short film version of it so I attached the link. The movie direction is of course Psyop, those movies are of course awesome, and nicely creepy. I like this kind of huge project, I can feel America, as an entertainment country, because no way to get that much budget and ideas from Japanese ad industry, I think. If you are interested, go ahead and check those vids from links below.

[Coca-Cola Happiness Factory]

The Science of Sleep




昨日の夜(というか今朝方)に、映画「The Science of Sleep」(邦題: 恋愛睡眠のすすめ) を見た。前から見たかったんだけど、これは楽しみすぎてあえてとってあった1本。期待を裏切らずに、とっても良かった。監督、Michel Gondryには奇才という言葉がよく似合う。フランス人独特なのか、少し日本とは違った方向だけれど、考えすぎてしまう国民性が出てたかな。アメリと結構似ているかも。不思議な世界感や温かい造形、オシャレな空間、夢と現実を接点なく行き来する構成は、見てて楽しくなる。これを作れちゃう監督の頭を覗いてみたいわ。変な映画だけど、個人的にはとても主人公ステファンに共感できた。フランス語の響きや、なまった英語が出てくるのも聞いててなぜか気持ちよかった。彼女がいたらこんな映画が一緒に見たい。(笑)特にデザイン&アート好きにはかなりオススメの1本。


[Apple - Movie Trailer]
[Warner Bros - Movies]
[恋愛睡眠のすすめ - 日本語サイト]


Yesterday night, I watched the movie "The Science of the Sleep". I have been wanted to see this movie such a long time, but because of I expected a lot, I couldn't see it right away, somehow I kept it until I feel like it's the right time. And that was yesterday. I turned off my room light and prepare hot coffee and snacks, and watched the movie. And I loved it!

Director, Michel Gondry has exceptional talent, I like many of his works, such as, Eternal Sunshine, and Air France commercial. I thought this movie is very "French". I guess many of French people thinking bit too deep, and I think it's same as us, Japanese people, but they goes wrong direction. I don't mean it's bad, it's in the good way. I thought a little connection between this film and another french film, Améri. Both of them are my very favorite film now.

Real and unreal scenes are mixed very well, and I found a lot of beauty from this film, including small objects, such as stuffed animals, invented gadgets, fashion items, and I also liked how they speaks, using English with french accent, and some Spanish accent French, those were fun to listen, and I felt relax feeling. I had sympathy with Stephan, the main actor, because he is crazy, and not good about romance, maybe? haha. For me, it's a movie which I want to see with my loved one. And of course I recommend it for you, especially if you love design and art, I bet you can enjoy this usual, but beautiful world.


[Apple - Movie Trailer]
[Warner Bros - Movies]


Sean & Jess in Nagoya!

昨日はEmilyの友達、SeanJessがオーストラリアから日本に旅行に来てたので、Emilyや他の友達と大須にご飯に行ってきました!2人とも本当に才能ある写真家とデザイナーで、かなり久々に会えて色々話せて楽しかった〜!Little Hong Kongや、駄菓子屋バーのチャーリーズに行ったんだけど、特にチャーリーズの方が狭いけど本当にあったかい駄菓子屋みたいでおもしろかった!実際にいろんななつかし駄菓子も置いてあるしね。2人はタラの駄菓子とかは苦手そうだったけど(笑)店主の福三さん(写真真ん中の方)は現役の落語家さんでもあって、おもしろくて良い方でした。あと他に来てたお客さんも。だからまた行きたいなぁ。オススメです。


Yesterday, I went to some bars with
Sean, Jess and Emily. Sean and Jess were just arrived in Japan from Tasmania, Australia. I haven't met them while, so it was so fun to meet, drink, and talk to them. They were also graphic designer and photographer, so it's really fun to talk about artsy things with them ;P We went to Kids' Snack bar Charlie's and Little Hong Kong. Especially Charlie's was awesome small space with kind people. The owner, Fukuzo, is actually also working as a comic story teller, and he seems so nice guy. I wanna go there again!


Crazy Human Heads DJ Video


かなり有名な下の映像を作ってるのもこの作家, Chris Cairnsって人だった。この人要注目アーティストだわ!


I found this movie when I was browsing vimeo.com. This is so Sick! I love it!Perfectly matched visual and sound, and this surrealistic atmosphere... It's truly my favorite one. haha

And I found out that famous car DJ video (below) is also his direction. Chris Cairns, I have to check his works! cool.


Yuko's Wedding Party



(*みんな写真勝手に使っちゃったけどもしNGとかだったらメールください…!beer_sp475@yahoo.co.jp )


I went to my ex-college classmate, Yuko's after wedding party! It was very fun and happy party to attend. She was so beautiful with her wedding dress, and the husband, Yusaku,was also cool and kind guy, so they were really cool couple. I mean.. married couple ;) Even though I don't know many people who came to the party, they looked so warm-hearted, so I guess good couple have good people around them. haha. Now I feel like I want to have a family. I mean, in the future, after finding a girlfriend... I mean, someday... haha Maybe not gonna happen for decade?

Welcome board was also nice one, which was really Yuko's favorite style, like
Hayao Miyazaki animation films. (and it looks like her!) The only sad thing was I couldn't get any prize from Bingo game... but except that, everything was so nice! haha. And it was really nice to meet and talk to my friends from college, whom I haven't met while. Of course most of them have a job now, so I had bit strange feeling. Like I did time travel, and Backed to the Future? lol Well, anyway, congratulation Yuko & Yusaku! And thank you for inviting me! Let's meet again at house warming party, or something like that! ;P

Vivian Girls Live @Shinsakae

昨日は、高校の時からの素敵アートバカ仲間のはるん&奈々に誘われ、新栄の廃墟?というかボロビルの中で行われたイベントに行ってきました!Vivian Girlsという3人組の名古屋公演がメインだったらしいのだけど、知らずに参入。(笑)先鋭的?ロックバンド達は僕らの理解を超えてましたが、でもVivian Girlsは聞きやすくてなかなか良かった!あと、今回のフライヤーのデザインもいい感じのゆるさでかなり好き。


会場に入ってたNOT PILLAR BOOKSって店の日本人Zineのチョイスも面白かった。おかげでお金がないのにUniversal MarginalというグループのZineを買ってしまった。日本人離れした感覚がかなり好み。作れば置いてくれそうなので、そろそろ次のZINE制作にかかろうと思います◎パソコン離れしなくちゃ、良い作品が作れそうにないし、久々に手を動かそ。


Yesterday, I went to the live of Vivian Girls, at Shinsakae. I went there with my cool artsy friends Harun and Nana. I actually didn't know anything about the band nor this event itself, but it was quite cool and inspiring. That space was broken space of really old dirty building, however, because of that, it was really cool to held a gig. I actually couldn't understand most of too urban rock bands, but Vivian Girls was good for me. I also really liked the flyer design of this event. (image on the top)

People came to that event were quite fashionable, and having each distinctive sense, like a fashion major students. So it was even fun to just look at them. And event staff gave us fluorescent glasses for men and fluorescent earrings for women, as a proof of paying entrance fee. That was really cool idea. (So I might steel the idea if I have chance to hold an event! haha) I also liked having fluorescent light leaned against the wall, instead of hanging on the ceiling.

There is a zine bookstore as well, called
NOT PILLAR BOOKS and their choice of Japanese
zines were pretty cool, so I purchased one of them. That was created by art group,
Universal Marginal. It's pretty cool, and not looks like made by Japanese artists. (more like U.S. West Coast style for me) I'm inspired a lot, so I guess it's time to start my next zine project ;P


The Black Eyed Peas - Live

今日は姉と「The Black Eyed Peas」のライブに行ってきました!やっぱり彼らはオシャレだ。個人的にはかなりApl.de.apが好きだったな。(写真では一番左) 曲とか、服装とか、あんまうまくないダンスも。(笑)モヒカン、ヒゲにサングラスって濃さがいいね。今回は特に衣装が気になった。もちろん彼らだから着こなせるようなものばかりだったけれど…あとやっぱりこういうコンサートに行くと最先端のライブパフォーマンスが見れていい。特にVJというか、巨大スクリーンに映し出される映像は、もうほんとに何でもできちゃうんだなって感じ。錯視的な要素もなにげにたくさん入ってて、そんなグラフィックも面白かった!もっとAfter Effectsで映像制作の勉強しなきゃだ。

曲は「Boom Boom Pow」や「I Gotta Feeling」の新曲も楽しくて、ライブで見るには良かったけど、でもオレは「Where Is Love」がやっぱり歌詞も素敵で一番好きだったかな。チケットが余って誘ってくれた姉に感謝。

[The Black Eyed Peas / Official Website (English)]
[The Black Eyed Peas / Myspace]


Today, I went to the live performance of The Black Eyed Peas with my sister. It was pretty cool as I expected, and they were quite fashionable, more than I thought! My favorite member is Apl.de.ap, I don't think he can dance too good, nor he isn't a main singer, but somehow I thought he's cool. Maybe I just liked his style, like Mohawk hair cut with beard and bad-ass sunglasses. Other guys outfits were also really urban, and awesome. So it was really fun to check them out.

And another fun side of going to the concert is scenic art. Giant back screens and cool motion graphic visuals were fun to look at, and good study for me. There were a lot of visual illusions created by latest visual techniques, so I got inspired. Now I think I should study more about making movies and visual effects.

I enjoyed latest songs like Boom Boom Pow, and I Gotta Feeling, but my favorite one haven't changed, which is Where Is Love. I just like that lyrics and chilled melody line, I think that's a cool song which lasts long time. I have to thank my sister giving me her extra ticket ;P

[The Black Eyed Peas / Official Website (English)]
[The Black Eyed Peas / Myspace]


Au Revoir Simone @ KD Japõn

Au Revoir Simone

今日は鶴舞のK.D Japõnで行われた、New York出身3人組のグループ「Au Revoir Simone」のライブに行ってきました。本当に良かったー。今もなんだか不思議な余韻が残ってる。

半年くらい前にEmilyにCDを借りてからずっと聞いてて、そのCDから聞こえる音が目の前で作り出されてるってのは、あたりまえだけど、すごい不思議な感覚だった。小さくても素敵な空間、K.D Japõnを選んでくれたってのも嬉しいし、とても彼女達の雰囲気に合ってた。キーボードを3台以上同時に使いながら、3人の声がうまく重なり合っていくのは、見ててとても気持ちよくて、そこにKORGのシンセサイザーのデジタルな音が重なっていくのは、とてもクリエイティブで独創的な音作りに思えた。あー、KORG熱が再燃です。やっぱりいつか買いたいぞ。(笑)

終わった後に少し時間もあって、デザインのことや名古屋のこと、大須の服屋さんのことなんかをビール片手にEmily達と一緒に話せて、それもまた楽しかった。なんか有名なアーティストなのにみんな友達みたいに気さくで、素敵。CDにサインももらっちゃった!今後の活躍にも期待大、Au Revoir Simone、オススメです。ホームページもオシャレで凝ったつくりだから、気になった人は見てみるといいかも。下には彼女達のビデオ貼っておきます☆

[Au Revoir Simone - official website]
[Au Revoir Simone - Myspace]


I went to Au Revoir Simone's live at K.D Japõn which is located in Tsurumai, and it was so beautiful and fantastic! I have to thank Emily for letting me know about their gig. Au Revoir Simone is a female band, composed with three fashionable females, Erika, Annie, and Heather. All of them are vocals, and also playing different kind of keyboards.

I've been knowing them since a half year ago, and I've been listening their CDs since then. So it was really interesting to see, how exactly their sounds are created, in front of me. And I liked that they chose the place K.D Japõn, which is really small, but having nicely relaxed atmosphere, that suited them perfectly... Listening their harmonious melodies made me really relaxed, and I thought how they used KORG (synthesizer) is really creative. Oh, man, I feel like I wanna buy one of those synthesizer again, maybe it's time to start good-paid part-time job..

After the performance, we were able to talk to them. So I asked about their songs, and we talked about designs, Nagoya, and good fashion shops in Osu. It was good time, seriously. I‘m not a groupie guy, but I got their autograph on CD cover! ;P haha, I'm happy about it. Well, so overall, I really recommend this band, Au Revoir Simone. If you haven't heard them, checking out their website might be the best idea, I think it's nicely designed cool site. I also put some of their vids below!

[Au Revoir Simone - official website]
[Au Revoir Simone - Myspace]




アメリカで今公開中らしいドキュメンタリー映画「ART & COPY」。


[ART & COPY official website]


Documentary Film, "ART & COPY", which now published in the U.S. It's interesting, so I wish they will show it in Japan someday. I liked some quotes that people said in the trailer, such as "Most of advertisements are shit, and really few good ones." "Companies are just thinking about making their logo bigger." "Creativity can solve anything." True, True. Maybe I can learn something new when I see it ;P

[ART & COPY official website]


Aim in 2008 (To Do List)



 ・TOEIC 900点を目指して英語勉強する。



This post above is just my to do list for rest of this year, 2009. I listed them to keep remind me those things to do!



今日は少し時間ができたので家で映画「JUNO」を見た。予告編の時から、絶対好きな雰囲気だなぁ、と思ってたんだけど、予想以上に良かった。なぜか少し潤んでしまった、これはかなり好きな映画。等身大の演技で、主役のEllen Pageは幼さも大人っぽさも同時に持ってる、まさに適役。やんちゃな喋り方とか、この雰囲気は現実味があったな。


[JUNO - official website]


I had some extra time today so I watched the movie, JUNO. I knew the trailer of this movie for long time, and I expected a lot. And it was good, more than my expectation. Somehow I became really emotional for some points. Maybe because this film has reality, and I was into that atmosphere. I think casting is good. Especially Ellen Page as a heroin was pretty well, I thought. I guess she is an unusual actress who has both side: childish side and matured side.

I also liked camera movements, usually camera tend to shot from diagonal angle, because then they can give us more info. But this film has a lot of straight shots, and it made character, in addition to hand-made like graphics and title sequence. I liked ending as well. It made me want to start new relationship. haha, I recommend this film, give it five stars.

[JUNO - official website]

Cool Bubble Gum Ads


[Toxel.com/Clever Bubble Gum Advertising]



Some cool bubble gum ads I found today from design website called Toxel.com. I like bit crazy foreign ads. They are funny. This website is kinda cool, so I maybe check it sometimes ;P.

[Toxel.com/Clever Bubble Gum Advertising]



Art Triennal in Niigata






I went to Art Triennal in Niigata, with my college classmates. It's a part of class curriculum, and we picked the place to see and made a plan. We reserve middle size bus and a driver, to go to Niigata prefecture. It took about six hours drive to get there, so it's quite far, but because of Niigata is located in North side of Japan, there were much better temperature and less humidity, so we were able to enjoy summer study tour! ;P We stayed there two nights at the wooden lodge, and were slept using sleeping bags. We struggled and took so long time to make this plan, but finally everything worked well and we enjoyed a lot!

I will change my major from Media course to Graphic Design course, next semester so it was might be the last chance to hangout with them. Therefore I was happy to go around and talk to them and drinking a lot together at night. Having a lot of nature around calms down myself.

Here are some of my favorite works that I found from this triennal: First one is created by Chiharu Shioda, title is Memory of the Home. She used black woolen yarn to cover entire old house. The idea was simple, however that simple method changed entire atmosphere and I liked what she did. Second one is created by Christian Boltanski, called Final Classroom. Entire elementary school is directed with a lot of lights and sound of heart. That was very illusory and was also bit scary. I liked the atmosphere. And I also liked the specimen of spider's thread, but I forgot the name of the artist. House of Light, created by James Turrel is also one of my favorite piece, which is known as Japanese house for meditation. A lot of controlled lights direct entire atmosphere and it was really beautiful. I hope I can stay all night someday.

Images below are some of my favorite pics from this tour. Please check them out ;)