
Doodles in Spanish




Actually I've been trying to learn Spanish since last winter. But, it is really harder than I expected and I'm kinda stuck right now... Even though I bought textbooks and read them, and watched Spanish learning TV programs, it comes from my right ear and goes out from my left year.. hmm. Maybe I should go to the class, paying a little money? Since I'm completely beginner? I donno. If you know good way of studying it, let me know your way.

I drew doodles when I was reading my textbook, I used some example sentences. I like that Dritos guy says "I want to travel in Mexico!" haha, hope they are fun for you.

とても暑いです。It's very hot.

他になにか? Anything else?

メキシコに旅行したい! I want to travel in Mexico!

助けて! Help!

A: 君は何をしているの?学生なの? B: はい、学生です。スペイン語を勉強しています。ところで、一緒に食事しない?
A: What do you do? Are you a student? B: Yes, I'm a student, studying Spanish. By the way, shall we eat out together?

テレビが動きません!TV doesn't work!

私は胃が痛いです。I have a stomachache

A: すみません、キレイな人。一緒に踊らない?B: 無理です。まさか。
A: Excuse me beauty, would you like to dance with me?
B: No, no way.

ひどい吐き気があります… 頭にズキズキした痛みがあります。
I feel bad nauseated... And I have a splitting headache.

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