
Zee Avi

今日BLENDERというアメリカの音楽雑誌のwebサイトを見てて発見した、マレーシア出身、23歳のシンガーソングライター「Zee Avi」。なんだか先週最初のCDが出たみたいで、まだ売れてないんだろうけど、なんだかJazzyな雰囲気はリラックスできていい感じ。
今夜はこれ聞きながらまったり作業です◎「Bitter Heart」と「Honey Bee」って曲が特にオススメかな。
[Official Web][YouTube][MySpace]

I found this 23-year-old, Malaysian female singer-song writer, Zee Avi today, when I was checking Blender Magazine website. It seems like her first album was out just a week ago, so maybe she isn't popular, however I really liked her jazzy-relax kind of sound. I especially liked "Bitter Heart" and "Honey Bee". So I'm gonna listen her songs tonight while working on my design projects. Hope not get too relax and falling sleep...zzz haha
[Official Web][YouTube][MySpace]

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